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Rosminis Liberalism and the Shadow of Adam Smith

Alberto Mingardi


The purpose of this article is to show the impact on Rosminis economic thinking from one strain of classical liberal economicsthat of Adam Smith. Rosminis reflections on Smith, which are far from episodic, show a degree of affinity and a strong intellectual preference for laissez-faire versus economic interventionism. This article explores selected instances in Rosminis economic and political works in which either Rosmini himself quotes Smith, or the latters shadow seems unmistakable. It focuses in particular on Rosminis approach to economics as a science (and his criticism of mechanical utilitarianism); his views of competition, monopoly, and protection; and his fiscal theory, as the places in which his reading of Smith most reverberates. Rosminis approaches to these problems constitute sufficient evidence to place him within the classical liberal tradition.

Alberto Mingardi, "Rosmini's Liberalism and the Shadow of Adam Smith," Journal of Markets & Morality 21, no. 2 (Fall 2018): 271295.

Erratum: Regretably, there is a typo on page 288 of this article. "Muscolino, S. (2010). Persona e mercato. I liberalismi di Rossini e Hayek a confronto. Soveria Mannelli: Rubbettino" should be "Muscolino, S. (2010). Persona e mercato. I liberalismi di Rosmini e Hayek a confronto. Soveria Mannelli: Rubbettino."

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