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Like Bright Stars: Abraham Kuyper on the Nature and Vocation of the Scholarly Sphere

Dylan Pahman


This article argues that Kuyper’s philosophy of education, principally as outlined in his Encyclopedia of Sacred Theology, inter alia, undergirds his social theory and thus should inform our understanding of his social thought. In the first section, I briefly summarize Kuyper’s answer to a series of questions regarding the nature of science. In the second, I build upon Kuyper’s philosophy of education to examine his understanding of the nature and telos of Calvinist educational communities, universities in particular. I conclude by examining new avenues for future research.

Dylan Pahman, "Like Bright Stars: Abraham Kuyper on the Nature and Vocation of the Scholarly Sphere," Journal of Markets & Morality 23, no. 2 (2020): 391-411

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